Posts Tagged ‘grief’

Down From Ten, ep 12


Posted by jdsawyer  |  1 Comment »

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And now, Episode 12, in which Amos has a nightmare, Jeremiah has fridge issues, and Sarah sings a song.
Story So Far by Helen E. H. Madden of Heat Flash Erotica.

No aftershow this week — but lots of news next time. Episode 13 coming next weekend.

Down From Ten, ep 11


Posted by jdsawyer  |  1 Comment »

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And now, Episode 11, in which Sarah puts her foot down, Amos has a secret, and the shadows have an agenda.
Bumper by Chooch and Viv of Into The Blender. Story So Far by Rhonda Carpenter of Podioracket and Mark of a Druid.

Episode 12 coming next weekend.

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